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Appendix II: The Dyne Foundation

Dynebolic is brought to you by the Dyne Foundation. The Dyne Foundation is a think & do tank, born as an on-line community in 1999 by uniting artists, activists and hackers of mixed backgrounds. It is also a young research organization working on a growing number of succesful projects for the European Commission. These are its three guiding principles:

  • Diversity: We love to mix: methods, disciplines, knowledge, culture and languages. We love our Bastard Culture!
  • Open-source: Code is our literature: we build software to communicate, interact and inspire. is where art, science and technology meet open source.
  • Ecology: We recycle old technology rather than create needs for new one: this is our way to respect the environment and optimize resources.

The Dyne Foundation develops and promotes projects focused on free software and free culture, and hosts the development of a large selection of free software. Notably, the Dyne Foundation hosts and supports the development of the Devuan "init freedom" Linux Distribution, which dynebolic is based on.

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GFDL, I believe.