DecodeOS :: Private and Anonymous Computation Clusters

We are hackers. The DECODE operating system is a brand new GNU+Linux distribution designed to run on servers, embedded computers and virtual machines to automatically connect micro-services to a private and anonymous peer-to-peer network cluster.

Operating System for Private and Anonymous Computation Clusters

software by Dyne.org

The DECODE operating system is a brand new GNU+Linux distribution designed to run on servers, embedded computers and virtual machines to automatically connect micro-services to a private and anonymous peer-to-peer network cluster.

Features Components
Wide compatibility with industry standards GNU + Linux minimal base
Anonimity and privacy by design Tor hidden service family
Very secure, restricted environment grsec community fork
Customisable to run different applications Devuan GNU+Linux SDK
Pluggable consensus algorithm Redis based consensus broker
Read-only and authenticated system SquashFS + overlayfs + Btrfs
Integrated updating mechanism Roundshot initramfs
Built-in Graphical dashboard Netdata resource monitor
Low power consumption, outdoor usage Ports to embedded ARM boards
Extensible platform support Includes latest JDK, Golang, Python etc.
Minimal resource consumption Online with less than 64MB of RAM

For stable releases see files.dyne.org/decode

For more information see the DECODE project

In particular, the following publications:

Usage instructions

DECODE OS comes in a variety of flavors:

Running systems provide a dashboard by connecting using a browser using HTTP on port 19999.

The default username is decode with password decode

The default root password is toor.

Get in touch!

Developers of the Dyne.org foundation are available to support customisations and adaptations of this operating system for particular purposes in line with the foundation's goals.

You are welcome to contact us:

This project is a work in progress proceeding along a clear roadmap agreed for the DECODE project. The DECODE OS stable release is planned for 1st quarter 2019.

Horizon 2020

This project is receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nr. 732546.

Build from source

The following instructions illustrate how one can build DECODE OS from scratch, eventually adding software to it. This section is a work in progress.

Building can be done from any GNU+Linux distribution, it entails bootstrapping a new Devuan base and then customising it via its SDK using a "blend", root access is needed in order to operate in chroot and in KVM accellerated qemu.

More information on this process is provided by the "Devuan's Developers Manual", here is an outline on the steps to be taken.

System requirements

A GNU/Linux system is required in order to build DECODE OS.

Here a list of package dependencies:

zsh sudo cgpt xz-utils qemu qemu-utils

To clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/DECODEproject/os-build-system --recursive

To update the repository:

git pull origin master && git submodule update --init --recursive --checkout

Building for ARM targets

A more detailed reference for the arm-sdk can be found here: https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk

cd arm-sdk # (or vm-sdk or live-sdk depending from your target)
zsh -f
./init.sh # and when this is done, execute the command in the bottom of the output
source sdk
load devuan raspi3 decode # (replace "raspi3" with your board name, from the list below)

Here is the list of the supported boxes: https://git.devuan.org/sdk/arm-sdk/blob/master/sdk

Building for VM targets

To enter the build console just run ./console.sh.

To build a vagrant virtual machine, run build_vagrant_dist.

To build a live iso image, run build_iso_dist.

To build an ARM installer image, run build_image_dist.

Here below the sequences of build steps executed by each target:

build_image_dist() {

build_iso_dist() {

build_vagrant_dist() {

The build_vagrant_dist target is a helper that executes a sequence of steps, some of them common to other helpers (hence combinable). Here below the full list of build steps executed by build_vagrant_dist

The bootstrap_complete_base step creates a base system tarball that can be reused by any target, it is found inside *_sdk/tmp for each sdk and to save time and computation it can be copied in place for each sdk if the base system doesn't differ.


DECODE OS is Copyright (c) 2017-2018 by the Dyne.org Foundation

DECODE OS and its core components are designed, written and maintained by Denis Roio and Ivan J.

Devuan is a registered trademark of the Dyne.org foundation.

The Devuan SDK used to build the DECODE OS was originally conceived during a period of residency at the Schumacher college in Dartington, UK. Greatly inspired by the laborious and mindful atmosphere of its wonderful premises.

Devuan SDK components are designed, written and maintained by Denis Roio, Enzo Nicosia and Ivan J.

This source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this source code. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.