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Reference ​

Compose a slangroom statement ​

Slangroom statements must always starts with Given I or Then I token followed by at most four parts that are used for:

  1. connect to external endpoint or open a file, respectively by using the connect to 'endpoint' or open the 'file';
  2. send parameters, done with the form send ${parameters_name} 'parameters_value' that must be done for all needed parameters;
  3. specify what is the action accomplished by the statement, this is wath describe the statement and it is different for all the statements;
  4. save the result of the statements to a varaible, done with output into 'result_variable'.

All these parts are connected between them with the and token. For example with the following statement:

Given I connect to 'endpoint' and send object 'post_body' and send headers 'post_headers' and do post and output into 'response'

slangroom connects to the endpoint, set the parameters object to post_body value and headers to post_headers value, do a post (explicited by do post) and save the result of the post in the variable response.

In the following tables you will find all slangroom statements divided in the first three parts since the foruth one can always be added and it is not related to the statment itself. A blank entrance in the table means that that part of the statement is not needed, for example in

Given I fetch the local timestamp in seconds

neither the open/connect part nor the parameters part are present.

Tables of all slangroom statements ​

db plugin ​

connectstatementexecute sql statement
connectstatement,parametersexecute sql statement with parameters
connectrecord,tableread the record of the table
connectvariable,name,tablesave the variable in the database table

ethereum plugin ​

connectaddressread the ethereum nonce
connecttransaction_idread the ethereum bytes
connectaddressread the ethereum balance
connectaddressesread the ethereum balance
connectread the ethereum suggested gas price
connecttransactionread the ethereum transaction id after broadcast
connectscread the erc20 decimals
connectscread the erc20 name
connectscread the erc20 symbol
connectsc,addressread the erc20 balance
connectscread the erc20 total supply
connecttransaction_idread the erc721 id in transaction
connectread the erc721 owner
connectread the erc721 asset

fs plugin ​

connectpathdownload and extract
pathread file content
pathread verbatim file content
content,pathstore in file
pathlist directory content
pathverify file exists
pathverify file does not exist

git plugin ​

openverify git repository
connectpathclone repository
opencommitcreate new git commit

helpers plugin ​

object,pathmanipulate and get
object,path,valuemanipulate and set
object,sourcesmanipulate and merge
object,pathsmanipulate and omit
array,valuesmanipulate and concat
arraymanipulate and compact
object,propertiesmanipulate and pick
manipulate and delete

http plugin ​

connectdo get
connectheadersdo get
connectdo sequential get
connectheadersdo sequential get
connectdo parallel get
connectheadersdo parallel get
connectdo same get
connectheadersdo same get
connectdo post
connectheadersdo post
connectobjectdo post
connectobject,headersdo post
connectdo sequential post
connectheadersdo sequential post
connectobjectdo sequential post
connectobject,headersdo sequential post
connectdo parallel post
connectheadersdo parallel post
connectobjectdo parallel post
connectobject,headersdo parallel post
connectdo same post
connectheadersdo same post
connectobjectdo same post
connectobject,headersdo same post
connectdo put
connectheadersdo put
connectobjectdo put
connectobject,headersdo put
connectdo sequential put
connectheadersdo sequential put
connectobjectdo sequential put
connectobject,headersdo sequential put
connectdo parallel put
connectheadersdo parallel put
connectobjectdo parallel put
connectobject,headersdo parallel put
connectdo same put
connectheadersdo same put
connectobjectdo same put
connectobject,headersdo same put
connectdo patch
connectheadersdo patch
connectobjectdo patch
connectobject,headersdo patch
connectdo sequential patch
connectheadersdo sequential patch
connectobjectdo sequential patch
connectobject,headersdo sequential patch
connectdo parallel patch
connectheadersdo parallel patch
connectobjectdo parallel patch
connectobject,headersdo parallel patch
connectdo same patch
connectheadersdo same patch
connectobjectdo same patch
connectobject,headersdo same patch
connectdo delete
connectheadersdo delete
connectobjectdo delete
connectobject,headersdo delete
connectdo sequential delete
connectheadersdo sequential delete
connectobjectdo sequential delete
connectobject,headersdo sequential delete
connectdo parallel delete
connectheadersdo parallel delete
connectobjectdo parallel delete
connectobject,headersdo parallel delete
connectdo same delete
connectheadersdo same delete
connectobjectdo same delete
connectobject,headersdo same delete

json-schema plugin ​

json_data,json_schemavalidate json

location plugin ​

get the current location
get the current location href
get the current location protocol
get the current location host
get the current location hostname
get the current location port
get the current location pathname
get the current location search params
get the current location hash
reload the current page
urlreplace the current location
urlassign the current location
urlredirect to the url
go back in history
go forward in history
indexgo to a specific page in history
get the history length
urlopen the url in a new window

oauth plugin ​

request,server_datagenerate access token
request,server_dataverify request parameters
request,server_datagenerate authorization code
request,client,server_data,expires_ingenerate request uri
token,server_dataget authorization details from token
request_uri,data,server_dataadd data to authorization details
request_uri,server_dataget redirect_uri from request_uri

pocketbase plugin ​

connectstart pb client
connectstart capacitor pb client
refresh token
emailask password reset
list_parametersget some records
show_parametersget one record
create_parameters,record_parameterscreate record
update_parameters,record_parametersupdate record
delete_parametersdelete record
url,send_parameterssend request

qrcode plugin ​

textcreate qr code

redis plugin ​

connectkey,objectwrite object into key in redis
connectkeyread key from redis
connectkeydelete key from redis

shell plugin ​

commandexecute in shell

timestamp plugin ​

fetch the local timestamp in milliseconds
fetch the local timestamp in seconds

wallet plugin ​

jwk,object,holder,fieldscreate vc sd jwt
verifier_url,issued_vc,disclosed,nonce,holderpresent vc sd jwt
verifier_url,issued_vc,nonce,issuerverify vc sd jwt
create p-256 key
skcreate p-256 public key
tokenpretty print sd jwt

zencode plugin ​

script,data,keysexecute zencode
script,data,keys,extra,confexecute zencode