Dynebolic is the 100% free GNU+Linux distribution by the Dyne.org foundation.

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Dynebolic v.4.0.0 is sitll in beta. Help us push towards a final release

Jah Rastafari Livity Bless Us With Freedom!

This is Free Software, share it for the good of yourself and the people around you, respect others and let them express, be free and let others be free. Live clean and let your work be seen! May you live a long and prosperous life in peace!

✊🏿 There can be no peace without justice.

This software is a tool for resistance, to share knowledge and information in a Babylonian world that seeks to control the way we communicate as much as possible. This software is for all those who cannot afford new expensive equipment to express their consciousness and words of goodwill. This software is not just for consuming information: it has a whole series of tools for producing it. It is a complete multimedia studio, thanks to it you do not need to buy anything to express yourself. Freedom, knowledge sharing and empowerment are the pillars of our development. That is where this software comes from.

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πŸ”₯ Dynebolic is a Live and 100% Free Operating System for multimedia production

It runs from a USB stick and it requires no installation, giving you a chance to try GNU/Linux applications without any ads, spyware or attempts to make you pay to express your creativity. We include free software to create your own media and not just consume it with a gratis player and expensive producer products, because we believe in free speech and freedom of creation. Jah Bless You.


🫰🏾 In this Babylonian world, money is a vital necessity in order to make one’s voice heard

Capitalist and ideological governments rule the world by using a monopoly on mass television and corporate social media to propagate their principles, and suppress all criticism. With Dynebolic we break free from exploitative operating systems: always demanding expensive hardware, giving us gratis players while requiring us to spend money to make and share our own creations.


πŸ––πŸΎ Dynebolic is a self-contained production and publishing tool

There is no need to spend anything, it contains everything you need for production. It commits to the Free System Distribution Guidelines of the GNU project and includes exclusively free software: we reject nonfree applications, nonfree programming platforms, nonfree drivers and firmware, nonfree games, and any other nonfree software, as well as nonfree manuals or documentation.
