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How to connect to DarkIRC
by Jaromil

The recent news of the Telegram leader's imprisonment in France highlights the challenges in trusting centralized entities to offer free and secure communication channels. This guide aims to guide a transition towards decentralization, where individuals take charge of their security by operating decentralized nodes and retaining keys to their private communications. This is a technical guide describing the setup of DarkIRC, the Internet Relay Chat application of the DarkFI project. It is special because it grants us a very high degree of anonymity: it does not rely on the security of a central server. DarkIRC is the strongest anonymous chat in existence. Nothing else exists like it. However, it may be misused leaking information, or made too difficult to operate. This guide suggests usable and secure ways to set up DarkIRC. 🥀 This guide makes it easy to use DarkIRC, but it compromises some security aspects: each compromise will be marked as a 🥀 wilting flower. Your experience may vary, depending on your threat model. Be ready for the command line As with anything in secure computing, some legwork must be done. If you aren't scared of installing GNU/Linux, opening a terminal, and using it to compile and configure some software, then you'll find this guide easy. If you lack basic knowledge of a UNIX "shell" terminal then I recommend studying this introduction to the command line and other similar sources found online: it is certainly a good investment of your time! 🌐 Set up your VPS 🥀 You can skip this section if you are simply trying DarkIRC on your physical computer, but beware that when you switch it off you will lose messages including those sent to you. Plus anyone in its possession could access your secret keys, DarkIRC identity, and private messages if logged. For our setup, we use a Virtual Private Server (VPS) that is always online and is rather easy to set up and experiment with. We will make it as secure as possible and presume it is not used by anyone else but you. Try to do it yourself and not rely on help from others. Typically, a VPS will cost $5 on most third-party providers and should come pre-installed with the Debian GNU/Linux operating system (OS). Among the most popular and affordable providers are AWS EC2, Hetzner, OVH, DigitalOcean and Linode. 🥀 Choose carefully your poison here, because, if asked, these third-party providers will give cops in Europe or the USA full access to all your information. To stay anonymous look for a VPS on Monero Market and never share any private information with them. Some VPS providers will offer you a range of options about the size of the machine (CPU, RAM, storage...) and the OS to install on it. Just chose the smallest size, which will be enough for DarkIRC, and chose to have Debian installed on it. 🥀 Debian is not a rock-solid OS because it runs systemd which is a buggy piece of 💩crap. To increase the security of the OS you should migrate it immediately to Devuan, which is rather easy. Use SSH to log in as root into the machine (or Putty if you still use Windows) and install an easy terminal setup with completion. Optional: pimp your terminal with Jaromil's dotfiles If you like to use my dotfiles, just do: apt install curl make direnv curl -L jaromil.dyne.org/dotfiles.sh | sh - cd ~/.dotfiles && make If you are using my dotfiles then also install some handy tools and proper UTF-8 support with two simple commands. cd ~/.dotfiles && ./install/apt cd ~/.dotfiles && ./install/locale If you want to do it by yourself, then again pick your poison, knowing my dotfile sources are here and you can take them as a reference for your own. Once this is done, log out and log in again to activate the shell power-up. When you are logged in as root, install some base packages on the VPS: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ apt-get install -y -q --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \ daemontools vim-nox nano git sudo software-properties-common \ apt-transport-https libsqlcipher-dev iproute2 psmisc net-tools locales \ bash-completion bsdextrautils curl wget Type this into the terminal to install a minimal set of tools needed. 🔐 Secure access to the VPS Secure Shell (SSH) is the protocol used to securely connect to a VPS from a remote terminal. The OpenSSH software implements it and conceals all traffic to the VPS, but it is never a good idea to use a root password as authentication, because it can (and will) be cracked. 🥀 At the very least you should immediately apt install sshguard to protect the VPS from brute force attacks against SSH. I recommend you find out how to create an SSH private/public key pair on your machine using OpenSSH or Putty, then copy the public key and paste it into the VPS: cat << EOF > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys [paste your public key here with CTRL-V] EOF Make sure you paste your public key, not the private one! Also, make sure that the OpenSSH daemon on the VPS is configured properly. To do that you have to change its configuration file: cat << EOF > /etc/ssh/sshd_config Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf PermitRootLogin prohibit-password PubkeyAuthentication yes PasswordAuthentication no KbdInteractiveAuthentication no UsePAM no X11Forwarding no PrintMotd no AcceptEnv LANG LC_* EOF Reconfigure OpenSSH for better security and no password login 👹 Create a separate user for DarkIRC It is never a good idea to run anything as root on your VPS, so we will create a "darkirc" virtual user which will be the one running our setup. To do so type: adduser darkirc Then give it a password easy to type (no need for a strong one here, since we protect access with SSH) and keep bashing enter on any other question. 💥Done. User creation looks a bit like this. Don't break your keyboard when bashing enter! Now you can do su - darkirc and provide your password to work as that user. 🏗️ Build DarkIRC from the source code Our friends at DarkFI do not want you to trust anyone to build software for you, so you'll have to build it by yourself. Fortunately, it is not so hard, but be prepared to wait a bit before it is done and be ready to grab a cup of tea 🍵 or a beer 🍺. All the build instructions here should be executed as darkirc user. First, install Rust and Cargo using "rustup" and not from Debian packages. curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf > rustup.sh sh rustup.sh -y --no-modify-path Install the Rust toolchain for the current user. After installing the Rust toolchain, you need to log out and log in again. At last download the DarkFI source code which also contains DarkIRC and build: cd /usr/src && git clone https://codeberg.org/darkrenaissance/darkfi cd darkfi make darkirc Get ready to wait now! you'll see a colorful log on your screen. After waiting for quite a while, you should see something like this: Congratulations! 🍾 You have successfully built DarkIRC on your server and you are now at this point of the DarkFI book. The entrance is near! 🎭 Enter DarkIRC To finally connect to the DarkIRC network we will use Tmux and WeeChat. Tmux is used to keep your session persistent so that when you are away and disconnect SSH, DarkIRC will keep running on your VPS and collect message logs for you to read later. WeeChat is the Internet Relay Client (IRC) whose User Experience (UX) is based on a Text-based User Interface (TUI). Any interaction with a TUI is mediated by the keyboard, your mouse won't be useful except for cut & paste of links and text. In the future, I will explain how to connect a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based IRC client, but mastering the TUI approach will afford you greater control over your setup. You can now SSH into your server, switch users with su - darkirc and password, and start launching the tmux command. Your terminal will change a bit and you'll still have a prompt. Now launch DarkIRC: ./darkfi/darkirc You will see information about it booting, connecting to the peer-to-peer network, and accepting connections. Look for the success message: [EVENTGRAPH] DAG synced successfully! This message in logs means SUCCESS! 🎉 At this point open a new window inside tmux by pressing simultaneously Ctrl-b and then the key c : this is a combo telling Tmux to keep running DarkIRC in the current window and open a new one to run more applications. Finally, launch weechat and you will see it taking over this window with its interface. Now we need to tell WeeChat to connect to DarkIRC. /server add darkfi localhost/6667 -notls -autoconnect Then choose the nickname you want to be known on DarkIRC. 🥀 Beware your nickname is the only information you share about yourself when you write to other people. Don't use your name or other known nicknames if you want to stay anonymous on DarkIRC. The WeeChat command to set your DarkIRC nicknames is: /set irc.server.darkirc.nicks "nickname,nick_alternative,in_case_first_is_taken" Multiple comma-separated nicknames are supported in case one is already used by others You are all set now, ready to connect. Just do /save and then /quit, then restart weechat in the same Tmux window. The main window of WeeChat should now look like this at the start On the left pane, you have a list of public channels you have automatically joined and through which you can move by pressing ESC then their number, or Ctrl-n (next) and Ctrl-p (previous). 🥀 Be cautious: the default DarkIRC channels are public, meaning anything you post can be read, archived, and republished by anyone. Avoid sharing any private information or anything that could reveal your identity behind the chosen nickname. At this point you can disconnect SSH at any time: just close the window, do not issue the /quit command to WeeChat. Your VPS will keep running and archiving DarkIRC messages, and it will also highlight channels where your nickname has been mentioned. To reconnect you need to follow 3 simple steps: Log in via SSH Execute su - darkirc and type your easy password Attach your Tmux running session with tmux a You will find DarkIRC set up in the same running state where you left it, plus all the messages that have been sent to the channels, which you can scroll through using PgUp and PgDn. 🤌🏽 Question & Answers If you arrive up until here, congratulations! 🎉 you are welcome to say hello in the #random public channel and share any feedback about this guide, things to be improved, or questions you have. If you want to make sure I read your messages, mention jaromil at least once in your message block. Work in progress This is just the first episode of my DarkFI guide! Subscribe for the next ones up: How to use DarkIRC DarkIRC from a mobile GUI Advanced privacy measures for DarkIRC ... suggestions? See you in the dark forest! 🌚

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↩️ Planet Dyne: Turn around (S2024-E11)
by Dyne.org

Time to get rid of the "social" networks! Another Internet is possible, and much needed, so we're back at good ol' newsletter grooming. You're always welcome on our planet, fellow human! We've long been connected in one way or another, now we hope you don't mind us sending a pulse of life from Dyne.org, some critical content, and projects like Dynebolic, Bricolabs, Unsystem, FreeJ and Frei0r, DECODE, REFLOW, INTERFACER, and free and open-source ramblings by a dyne like jaromil. Our quest here is to make it fun and cozy to live underground and share insights about surface explorations. We hope you'll stick around, these messages in a bottle from Planet Dyne will come on a bi-weekly or monthly base. "Futures made of virtual insanity, now Always seem to be governed by this love we have For useless twisting of our new technology Oh, now there is no sound For we all live underground" - Jamiroquai P.S. Our content is AI-free (as in: "no starch" for the brain) Getting up there We'll shine our tech-savvy skills in Copenhagen this week for the IEEE Blockchain-2024 conference where our best Danish dyne and Forkbomb's humble servant will be in the flesh and bones presenting the SD-BLS paper, a cryptographic scheme for "Privacy-Preserving Selective Disclosure of Verifiable Credentials with Unlinkable Threshold Revocation" we pre-released on Arxiv. SD-BLS: Privacy Preserving Selective Disclosure of Verifiable Credentials with Unlinkable Threshold Revocation Ensuring privacy and protection from issuer corruption in digital identity systems is crucial. We propose a method for selective disclosure and privacy-preserving revocation of digital credentials using second-order Elliptic Curves and Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signatures. We make holders able to present proofs of possession of selected credentials without disclosing them, and we protect their presentations from replay attacks. Revocations may be distributed among multiple revocation issuers using publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) and activated only by configurable consensus, ensuring robust protection against issuer corruption. Our system’s unique design enables extremely fast revocation checks, even with large revocation lists, leveraging optimized hash map lookups. arXiv.orgDenis Roio We updated the pre-print to the latest v4 for the occasion, which includes a benchmark comparison with similar functions in BBS+ Zero-Knowledge signatures. The "fair use" scam Just when you thought you could crack jokes in public about movies we were all watching when young and riding bikes 🚳 BANG❗ you are deprived of any "fair use" of memories from your childhood because someone still wants to make money. Never sit around a crackdown Being legal is just waiting in line to become illegal. Seen that in a movie? Appeals Court Rejects DMCA Constitutional Challenge, Because Apparently Fair Use Means Nothing Good Will Ever Be Published What began as an attempt to challenge the constitutionality of the DMCA’s terrible anticircumvention provision has now backfired. A court ruling will limit our rights to fair use and free exp… TechdirtMike Masnick Piracy is a means of liberation for us children of post-modernity, but the new generations are better off staying away from proprietary content. "Play Integrity API is based on lies" Just like any other DRM or TPM thing out there: Defective by Design. And there is a new attempt to close down all mobile devices (well, Android-based since Apple is already a freaking jail). And GrapheneOS is standing up against it, an effort dynes around the world support by all means. Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android’s second-class citizens Graphene OS has had just about enough of Google not doing more to make Android compatible with custom ROM projects. Android AuthorityStephen Schenck Little motivational corner So yes we know that... But don't give up just now! join our yummy resistance! Porridge is good for you. Join the fediverse to share your porridge recipes 🥣 hashtag #porridge Check what the Zero-Knowledge BBS+ Signature Scheme can do for you A dyne has packed together a benchmark of what could be the fastest implementation of BBS+ in the West: it is short and to the point. Benchmark of the BBS+ signature scheme Benchmark of the speed of execution, the size and the privacy of the BBS+ Signature Scheme. News From DyneJaromil It requires some basic knowledge of public-key cryptography to grasp the meaning of all this and it may be still a good start for anyone willing to learn more, as many links are provided. The takeaway is also that all this is implemented in Zenroom and easy to test on Apiroom so people building crappy wallet applications that hinder your privacy have no more real excuses now. Climb a tree and eat some vitamin dyne We are not darknet fanatics, dynes are fervent proponents of the Internet. What makes us "lunar punks" is our refusal to participate in interactive cable TV. In the shade of the dark forest, everyone respects the trees and enjoys the shade. But rarely do its inhabitants climb on top of the trees' crowns. We are the tree climbers in the dark forest. Friendship is rare, numbers are unpredictable. If you spot a tree-house on your path, do say "hi". It could be a dyne answering, and a friend. Maybe someone entirely remote. And please remember, as in all forest situations, squirrels will look after you if you carry seeds in your pocket! Enter the Dark ForestBoot your old PC into real Freedom! Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ IRC 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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Benchmark of the BBS+ signature scheme
by Jaromil

In this article, I'll analyze the speed of execution, size, and entropy of zero-knowledge proofs for the BBS+ Signature Scheme, as described by the v6 draft submitted to the Internet Research Task Force. The BBS Signature Scheme This document describes the BBS Signature scheme, a secure, multi- message digital signature protocol, supporting proving knowledge of a signature while selectively disclosing any subset of the signed messages. Concretely, the scheme allows for signing multiple messages whilst producing a single, constant size, digital signature. Additionally, the possessor of a BBS signatures is able to create zero-knowledge, proofs-of-knowledge of a signature, while selectively disclosing subsets of the signed messages. Being zero-knowledge, the BBS proofs do not reveal any information about the undisclosed messages or the signature it self, while at the same time, guarantying the authenticity and integrity of the disclosed messages. IETF DatatrackerTobias Looker This benchmark is based on the Zenroom open-source implementation of BBS+ which is written in C and is verified to correctly match vectors found in appendix J.9.1 of the BBS+ draft. The source code written to perform these benchmarks is found in the test/benchmark/bbs folder shipped inside the Zenroom source code. Zenroom - No-code Cryptographic virtual machine Multiplatform cryptography for DB and blockchain, zk-SNARKS, blockchain interop, smart contracts in human language, fully isolated virtual machine No-code Cryptographic virtual machine 🔖 This article is difficult to understand not knowing basics of cryptography: it requires knowledge of public-key cryptography and zero-knowledge proof. Speed ⚙️ The measurements presented are operated using a 6th generation Intel CPU running tests on a single i7 3.40GHz core and making no use of hardware acceleration. The Zenroom binary is built with release optimizations (O3 flags) using the clang compiler from its v4.36.1 source release. Compared to other zero-knowledge proof algorithms available in Zenroom, BBS+ clearly shows to be the fastest implementation, in some cases even by one order of magnitude. Keypair generation (public key computation from random material) takes between 0.0025 and 0.003 seconds, in other words, that is between two and a half and three milliseconds. BBS+ key generation benchmark When operated on a growing number of keypairs, the growth is linear and there is no substantial difference between the SHA256 and SHAKE256 implementations. In all following speed tests, I noted the performance of these two implementations stays the same, so I'll limit benchmarks to use SHAKE256 for simplicity. Issuance takes between 0.006 and 0.0075 seconds to have a single credential signed, in other words between six and seven and a half milliseconds. Clear-text verification takes slightly less. BBS+ issuance benchmark up to a thousand credentials 💡 One second to issue a thousand credentials (approx.) Presentation of zero-knowledge proofs takes between 0.0084 and 0.0095 seconds to disclose a single proof, which is almost one centisecond. BBS+ presentation and verification benchmark on a thousand credentials Verification of zero-knowledge proofs takes approximately 0.019 seconds, which is almost 2 centiseconds to verify a single proof. However. when performed on a growing number of credentials, it becomes evident that BBS+ verification is faster than the presentation. The graph's bottom starts from fifty credentials and shows linear growth. 💡 Less than one second for a thousand credential presentations. Almost a second and a half for a thousand credential verifications. It is worth mentioning that BBS+ is one order of magnitude faster than Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signatures operated on the same BLS12-381 curve and under the same conditions (Zenroom implementation and benchmark hardware), showing BBS+ is really well optimized. We compared these two signatures in the benchmarks section of our recent SD-BLS paper, available online and in an upcoming IEEE journal. Figures comparing SD-BLS and BBS+ in our paper Size Using BBS+ seems to be also good for saving on size: both the issuer public keys and the presentation proofs seem to be generally smaller than other competitors. I measure that: Public keys are 96 bytes long Issued signatures are 80 bytes long Zero-knowledge proofs are 272 bytes long Based on this information, you can calculate the additional storage requirements BBS+ will introduce to your database or decentralized ID storage. For instance to have a hundred issuers listed in your DID domain will add less than 10Kb space, which makes it easy to maintain a static list of issuance authorities inside any application. On the other hand, a typical mobile wallet application will hold a hundred credentials in less than 10Kb and will be able to use a QR code to present proof, considering its core material and some metadata will require approximately 300 bytes, leaving space for a lot more, including a small picture. 💡 Even NFC tags will be able to store an issuer's public key or a zero-knowledge proof since their capacity varies between 96 and 512 bytes. Privacy This measurement provides insights into the privacy level of BBS+ zero-knowledge proofs. However, it represents a type of laboratory measurement that does not cover all possible configurations. It is of interest primarily because it allows us to view BBS+ through the perspective of an eavesdropper intercepting data and searching for identifiable fingerprints. The test performed consists of measuring the Hamming distance between different presented proofs of the same credential. I do this many times, and show the frequencies of repetition of distances. Then I do the same with random values to obtain a graph that compares what are the most frequent distances between random values and between BBS+ proofs. Since random can differ depending on the PRNG implementation and also on the seed, I add three types of random feeds: PRNG is the default pseudo-random generator in Zenroom, using as seed a sequence of 64 bytes provided by the operating system and hashed with the timestamp at the time of execution. RORG is again the PRNG in Zenroom, but initialized with a seed that is retrieved online from Random.org at the time of execution. OSSL is made of random values provided by the OpenSSL library installed. In this first run, I'm using only ten samples from each source, comparing the frequency of hamming distance between adjacent samples on each stream. Now with a hundred samples: And up to a thousand samples: Entropy measurement of BBS+ proofs What we get after this analysis are overlapping graphs of the most frequent values. The frequency is centered around 1080 bits which is pretty normal for the 272-byte long sequences we are analyzing, comparing a total of 2176 bits each time. It even looks like BBS+ zk proofs yield slightly higher hamming distance values, which is a good sign. Also adopting the classic Shannon measurement for entropy (a built-in octet method in Zenroom), we obtain values between 0.97 and 0.98 which are the same for generated cryptographic random data. Comparison of Shannon entropy rate between BBS+ and other random streams More precisely measuring the "entropy" of 500 proofs with a floating value between zero and one I could observe that: The BBS+ ZK proof average is 0.974081 Zenroom's PRNG average is 0.9742654 Zenroom's PRNG with a Random.org seed averages to 0.9738644 OpenSSL's random averages to 0.9738644 💡 The encoding of a BBS+ proof appears as random data. You are welcome to repeat this benchmark on your systems: I've done my best to make the hamming.sh script portable, it will require Zenroom and Gnuplot installed, along with source files common.lua and hamming.lua in the same folder. Conclusion The buzz around BBS+ seems to be based on true assumptions: it is a privacy-preserving algorithm that has a competitive edge in terms of speed and size when compared to other zero-knowledge-proof implementations. The data integrity assessment on BBS interoperability is in the works and shows how multiple implementations can talk to each other. And more generally more standardization efforts are going towards its way. Data Integrity BBS Cryptosuites v1.0 This specification describes a Data Integrity Cryptosuite for use when generating digital signatures using the BBS signature scheme. The Signature Suite utilizes BBS signatures to provide selective disclosure and unlinkable derived proofs. W3CGreg Bernstein What may be holding some institutions back from BBS+ adoption is their faith in Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) provided by clans of hardware and operating systems manufacturers. Integrated hardware TEEs are too outdated to support the sort of EC pairing mathematic operations needed by BBS+, ruling it out. I don't hide my skepticism about TEE maxis here, because they ignore many security attacks in the wild and because their trust architecture is a weak pyramid lacking any resilience. As it's made evident by the failing process of the EUDI ARF, the price to pay for TEE fanaticism may be as high as the privacy of European citizens. ✅ My advice is to work towards adopting BBS+ to pave the way to selective disclosure of credentials powered by this zero-knowledge-proof algorithm. ⚠️ Regarding the BBS# algorithm marketed as TEE compatible, I caution that it may not be a legitimate contender. The associated "paper" lacks endorsement by any recognized scientist or individual. Should it prove authentic, it suggests undisclosed activities, potentially leading to a patent emerging later as a "surprise". Stay in touch If you want to implement the BBS+ Signature Scheme, you are free to use Zenroom, no need to know coding or complex math for that. Start from our developer documentation and try some examples on our free online IDE. And if you need help to integrate it into your product, do not hesitate to contact us at the Forkbomb company, we are keen to hear from you! For professional support mail info@forkbomb.eu Forkbomb BV | Cryptography, blockchain interop, digtal identity Cryptography, blockchain interoperability, digital identity Forkbomb BV - Cryptography, SSI, blockchain interop Get professional support 🆙 Rate this article on hackernews (YC) Be the first one to share this post on your favorite news aggregator! Slashdot, Reddit, Linkedin, the Fediverse, your secret elite groups... 👌🏽 🎓 About the author This article is written by:

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〰️ Blues screen (S2024-E10)
by Dyne.org

Fellow dyne! How good to have you here again. It's been a minute. Not that the world stopped in any shape or form. Quite some things happened in the meantime. Fortunately for us, we forgot some, and love remembering what we like ☀️😎 on this note please remember that there's a beach somewhere, near or far from you, waiting to be explored 🩴 Brazil leaps forward The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), is hosting the National Conference of Data Producers and Users - National Sovereignty in Geosciences, Statistics, and Data. About the event - Conferência Nacional dos Agentes Produtores e Usuários de Dados National Conference of Data Producers and UsersDanilo Almeida de Jesus Our very own Jaromil was invited at the round table for digital cross communication and the risks and opportunities for data producers and users in the Digital Era. He explains what we are doing with our friends at AvantGarden to push progress in the country towards decentralization and privacy. If you enjoy this dyne's smartypants speech then also have a look at all the Leonardo LASER talks on "Arts and Sciences" that happened just a few days ago. For the topic “The Nature of Information” a lot more interesting dynes took a stab at saying something different, see the amazing program, looks like a rave where every dancer has a stage 🕺🏽💃🏽🪭 IEEE - International Conference on Blockchain Perhaps we are lucky there is a new hype cycle in tech. Now folks at IEEE are quite serious when it comes to technology and they are soon holding an International Conference on Blockchain, which has less marketing than the usual hype. Blockchain-2024 | 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Don't let yourself be fooled by the old-school website, this is some serious stuff, and if you're into Blockchain and Cryptography, it won't disappoint. Especially because our best DD (Danish Dyne) will be there to present our latest paper, recently accepted for publication. SD-BLS: Privacy Preserving Selective Disclosure of Verifiable Credentials with Unlinkable Threshold Revocation Ensuring privacy and protection from issuer corruption in digital identity systems is crucial. We propose a method for selective disclosure and privacy-preserving revocation of digital credentials using second-order Elliptic Curves and Boneh-Lynn-Shacham (BLS) signatures. We make holders able to present proofs of possession of selected credentials without disclosing them, and we protect their presentations from replay attacks. Revocations may be distributed among multiple revocation issuers using publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) and activated only by configurable consensus, ensuring robust protection against issuer corruption. Our system’s unique design enables extremely fast revocation checks, even with large revocation lists, leveraging optimized hash map lookups. arXiv.orgDenis Roio 📡 Under the radar So many things! So many news to report! Some of which are already old. But did they hit your radar? Like Switzerland going all in on FOSS and fondue? Well, not that many Swiss heard about the former either. Is it true? Only a decent probe of the landscape of legal loopholes moved by this news can tell. But it sure is uplifting! Switzerland federal government requires releasing its software as open source The United States remains reluctant to work with open source, but European countries are bolder. ZDNETSteven Vaughan-Nichols 📺 Yo, DyneTV rap! Another highlight that's gone partially undercover. Dyne has it's own webTV! You might have noticed some dyne vids were hosted at diode.zone, a peertube instance ran by very kind ethereal beings from a neighboring planet. Because they needed to scale down, we now host our own! Wonders of federation! 🤝 Mad love and thanks for the help diode.zone! 💞 If you have an account on Mastodon or the fediverse at large, you can follow the server by searching for @peertube@tv.dyne.org in your instance's search box. That way you'll get all the latest vids straight to your timeline! Dyne.org TV A PeerTube powered ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser. 🕵🏾 A crowd on strike Aaaah. The gloat resulting from a failing a corporate overlord. It's quite something. Perhaps this what they mean when they talk about "bitter sweet"? You hardly missed out on the epic fail of that micro-thingie 🤏🏽, cough poetically cough called "Crowdstrike" 😹🍭. Imagine a crowd on strike. Well, it is sort of what happened. But not that kind of way. It was pretty bad actually. Especially for small businesses that saw their entire Friday revenue go down the drain, people losing airplanes or even worst being stuck at a hospital check-in. For others it was more like a Friday should be: relaxed with not too much to do. Regardless how you look at it, this event is not just a bug in a system that was supposed to protect us from bugs, but it underlines a systemic issue and it should be taken as a wake-up call: Worldwide outage 2024 — early reflections on the Crowdstrike BSOD Solutions to this mess cannot be patches. We need systemic change in the cybersecurity industry. News From DyneJaromil In case you do manage some ICT infra, as many dynes do, please consider this: About the Crowdstrike software company, earning millions defending windows from being windows... at least they apologized 🙇🏻 CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage | TechCrunch Several people who received the CrowdStrike offer found that the gift card didn’t work, while others got an error saying the voucher had been canceled. TechCrunchLorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai Need more security? think before doing Fortunately, things are happening, minds are thinking and dynes are doing. The Threat Modeling Community Group at W3C is one such initiative happening. Threat Modeling Community Group The group’s purpose is to provide a meeting point for Security, Privacy, and Human Rights experts, along with technology domain experts, to create Threat Models together. w3c logoW3C Team This is an interdisciplinary effort that aims at including a bit more voices than the usual techies into realizing what are the threats for, uhm... a lot of things being planned on our heads, like for instance the current EUDI ARF privacy fiasco. Call for Participation in Threat Modeling Community Group | Threat Modeling Community Group w3c logoW3C Team Noone fault, but these things require time and more inclusion to be made right. Long gone are the days were computer security was easy! 💱 And now a word from our sponsor... 0:00 0:41 1× 🤷🏼‍♀️ Equality before the law: #AItoo ?? In a weird turn of events, some kind of judge dismissed DMCA copyright claim in GitHub Copilot suit. Many dynes are surprised. The Internet Archive is being sued for being a library doing library things: is there some hope for a dismissal there as well, or is this application of law discriminating between AI and humans? Judge dismisses DMCA copyright claim in GitHub Copilot suit A few devs versus the powerful forces of Redmond – who did you think was going to win? The RegisterMatthew Connatser But then again, Karma bites the "AI" hype world! Investors Are Suddenly Getting Very Concerned That AI Isn’t Making Any Serious Money An increasing number of Silicon Valley investors and Wall Street analysts are starting to ring the alarm bells over the money spent on AI. FuturismVictor Tangermann and it does where it hurts the most: in the wallet. Using the term ‘artificial intelligence’ in product descriptions reduces purchase intentions Companies may unintentionally hurt their sales by including the words “artificial intelligence” when describing their offerings that use the technology, according to a study led by WSU researchers. WSU InsiderEric Hollenbeck, Carson College of Business 🧘🏼 Take a deep breath and defrag Now if you are stuck in front of your screen, take a moment to relax! Defrag simulation from the '90s A tinfoil cat once whispered to us in a collective dream, that defragmentation was invented by a Satoshi from the future, putting CPUs from the past at undisturbed work through a symbolic time link. That's all for this episode of the planet dyne is fine as you know it and you feel fine! Thank you for being a part of this interactive journey! Leave a comment bellow to co-create next episode. Or simply tune in to the channels to share what you care for! Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ IRC 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium Meme stock

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Worldwide outage 2024 — early reflections on the Crowdstrike BSOD
by Jaromil

Today the Washington post runs a live-update feed and titles as breaking some ICT news on a bug — not a cyber-attack! — that affects way too many people dealing with a desktop computer today at work: “Several major U.S. airlines — including American Airlines, United and Delta — grounded flights early Friday due to a technical issue impacting IT systems, as mass outages disrupted airports, banks, broadcasters and businesses around the world. Microsoft said it was aware of an issue impacting Windows programs running cybersecurity technology from CrowdStrike.” Live updates — The Washington Post Now, while things are getting fixed up there, in the cloud, I have a suggestion for all of us who have ever worked on large scale and mission-critical systems. Let’s all take a deep breath and get prepared to pose this question to our colleagues: Is the cybersecurity industry really aware of its weaknesses, or are they fooling us with marketing and off-shelf products, keeping the door closed to 20 years of innovation on E2EE, decentralization and resilience? Or, in other words: are organizations really spending money on securing their services, or that dosh ends up into a huge corporate black hole of hidden misconducts, ready to shoot us into reality at every glitch? are we going to plug back and keep dreaming? We’re in 2024 and “enterprise-grade” systems are cloud central nightmare, no lesson was ever learned about resilience and decentralization. An auto-update mechanism of some “intrusion detection and response” security closed-source software blocked Windows operator terminals worldwide, causing major outage on way too many computers people use at work. Meanwhile huge spending is directed towards the cyber-security industry and most of it doesn’t adopts any scientific method to verify what is being put in place and how. Let alone the fact we are calling “secure” some software that is closed source, and is lacking quite some “due diligence” in ICT terms, lacking proper testing on its continuous integration pipeline that is automatically broadcasting live-updates worldwide, which is exactly what is causing this pain. Solutions to this mess cannot be patches. We need systemic change in the cybersecurity industry. Including solutions as the adoption of open-source software everywhere, while raising the bar of its quality assurance and transparency of operations, as recommended by the European Cyber Resilience Act: We need resilience! Open Source at the core of Europe: the Cyber Resilience Act This week’s news is that The European Parliament has approved the European Cyber Resilience Act, and I believe it to be good news for us free and open-source developers. News From DyneNews From Dyne The heart of this issue is the delegation of responsibility for risk and change management of critical infrastructure systems. The centralized and automated management of an individual organisation in charge of operational reliability is directly responsible for deploying a component without a risk assessment process and change management control point. The incident yet again reminds us of the famous IBM manual statement. ICT presentation slide, supposedly from some IBM congress, 1979 Let me conclude stating all my solidarity to the technical operators who are involved — boots on ground — to prevent huge disasters this may be causing in numerous hospitals, airports, city-halls, etc. I really whish that whoever is taking the ICT supply-chain decisions in your organization manages to realize what this worldwide BSOD sensation in 2024 really means. You can visit my homepage with recent publication and projects at jaromil.dyne.org. If you need developers that can secure your project infrastructure, contact The Forkbomb Company at info@forkbomb.eu. Ciao!

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🌞 A happy solstice (S2024-E09)
by Dyne.org

Behold fellow dyne! Solstice is upon us! Dynes across the northern galaxy rejoice as darkness returns with a license to geek granted by the murky seasons. Ok, to be fair, light is nice. It's a balance. Complementary. Enjoy the crescendo, southern galaxy! 🕶️ Nice weather, sibling! Radiant blue sky, a fresh breeze. Beautiful bodies moving in the street, smiling. A dream for many dynes in the northern hemisphere, living in places with droughts, floods and landslides. But the hopes shine ever radiant in the heart of the planet; action is taking place. Some dynes are even conspiring to set a better pace to the climate transition. It's over due, but not too late. In this episode, PACESETTERS held a first information day for dynes from the entire galaxy to attend. PACESETTERS acknowledge that Art saves and Culture feeds! Creatives from all casts, working to better the conditions of the near future, succeeding or failing, are invited to take a survey. This with the goal to gather data on what strategies work. Or not. For everyone to take, share and improve. Is this you, fellow dyne? Then come swim in the OCEAN (Open Call for Emerging, Advanced and Novel Practices) The next date is Mon, Jul 1st 2024, 3 - 4pm CEST Info Session: Open Call for Emerging, Advanced and Novel Practices | PACESETTERS Home ✌🏽 Friends of Europe It's hard to dismiss the loud chants coming from the tinfoil cats. Songs about the growing influence of ©orporations over the delicate fabric of democracy. It is observable on planet Earth as a whole. All the bases are belong to them now, and almost everyone tossed the ToS in the loo. One dyne creates a textual punch to all of that and gets published by Friends Of Europe. Planet dyne is a friend of planet Earth. Unconditionally. But it's hard to see where the relationship with planet ©orporation is going. It seems rather toxic in it's one-way dynamic. Seeing how much influence lobbyists have on parliamentary politics. After all, lobbies aren't restricted by borders as Nation states' legislation is. But only people can save the universe! That includes you, fellow dyne! Do the right thing and please share this article to your extended network if it resonates with you. A must read either way. Democracy at risk: media warfare and the role of technology in modern elections - Friends of Europe The think tank for a more inclusive Europe Friends of EuropeEPIC It may be hard to see from the lense provided by the ©orporate machine, but everywhere, resistance is organizing. Getting ready to confront lobbyist in this new frontier that is the World Wild Web. Dynes like you can build space rockets, repair computers, clean up rivers, cook delicious food and create beautiful art. Action is always radical, regardless of the scale. And what ever you do, make sure you look after the weaker peers. They're not slowing us down, they're teaching us perspectives. 🧧 Now a word from our sponsor Alt-text: "why flat earthers are affected by 5G and normal people aren't". The image shows people standing on a flat line and thus being in the radiation zone of a 5G mast. Bellow it peopl standing on on circular line, thus having their heads bellow the radiation from the 5G mast."why flat earthers are affected by 5G and normal people aren't". The image shows people standing on a flat line and thus being in the radiation zone of a 5G mast. Bellow it peopl standing on on circular line, thus having their heads bellow the radiation from the 5G mast. 📼 New version of frei0r, whodis? Video dynes rejoice. v2.3.3 just dropped and it brings new cool FX and bug-fixes. Dynes love the smell of community driven software in the morning! Try it out it's tasty! Release v2.3.3 · dyne/frei0r What’s Changed Add new Kaleid0sc0pe example video by @gbendy in #183 New effect - gate weave by @esmane in #180 Gateweave, Filmgrain - change inline functions to static inline by @esmane in #192 F… GitHubdyne 🎴 Diversity Code alone is not enough. To make a real-world impact, we must foster collaboration across diverse groups. Web3privacy is mad cool. You should go next time if you have the chance, fellow dyne! 0:00 0:45 1× 🖌️ Painting a song One dyne shares an interesting talk from the Libre Graphics Meeting in 2012, by Amir Hassan. In it they present about SoundFumble, a tool for live sound generation with GNUimp. Drone aficionados beware: you will have a hard time keeping away from the dancefloor! The video has overtones of nostalgia. Do you remember the time when dynes would go to a meetup with a running nose? Say whatever about the pandemic, but it did make us wash our hands again and care about each other. No offense, Amir. The dyne writing this wasn't any better 💜 just contemplating the progress. A screenshot of a YouTube video linking to the video That's it for this edition of the Planet Dyne is sweet and we feel fine! Remember that this is a collective effort. If something is missing, it's you fellow dyne! Come share some stuff to make the planet grow! Or help a dyne hack and get yourself an artpack! Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price 🍄 Bonus track Toot on mastodon spelling: "Publicly available container images are very similar to USB drives you find in the parking lot. They are meant to be downloaded and run in production."—Jerry Bell​ Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ IRC 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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🪐 The Planet Holds Strong (S2024-E08)
by Dyne.org

The galaxy is crazy. Then again, so is a dyne. A little bit anyways. Sometimes perceived as contrarian, but always constructive in the ambition. In the shadows of the galactic madness, this episode of Planet Dyne explores sources of hope, conspires to obtain the right to repair our devices, fights for the privacy of all, mock the corporate overlords and while it joins hand in community, it definitely doesn't sing "kumbaya". Buckle up, it's been an eventful couple of weeks. ✊ Tools for Resistance Workshop #3 Hope is scarce goods in these gloomy times. Baltan laboratories are changing that by developing a culture of hope and attempting to unpack, redefine and ultimately foster a healthier relationship with the technologies surrounding us. In that context, they've invited dynebolic to throw a party hold a workshop on the 13th of June in Eindhoven. 0:00 0:10 1× On 13th of June 2024, dynes are invited to bring an (old) Windows laptop, USB stick (2GB or more), an ethernet cable (optional) to get a test of digital creative freedom! More information and link to RSVP bellow: Open-source Alternatives for Multimedia Production | Workshop by Denis “Jaromil” Roio Tools for Resistance Workshop #3 Baltan Laboratories 🛠️ The power to repair Kind of like it is with being happy, being able to fix something in the era of high-tech and nanotechnology is a revolutionary act! Dynes everywhere are worried that the rest of the universe don’t even have the power to turn some of their devices off anymore. The ignition button is eluding; extracting the batteries requires tools, craftsmanship and experience. In this pervasive digital dimension, the power to repair needs to be an inalienable right: every dyne in the galaxy should be able to observe, study, modify and distribute modifications. It is key to a sustainable life-cycle of devices. "Europe, let's reuse, refurbish, repair" - https://repair.eu By repairing tech, entropy turns into a resource, circulating the economy. Planet Consumerists' thirst for new high-tech gadgets is leading the solar-system to depletion of mineral resources, to slavery and wars. In such paradigm, repair-shops that recycle, restore and resell become like shrines, granting us the power over the machines. Let's support the dynes behind these shrines and the philosophy of free and open source software. On June 16th at 4 pm CEST, Iper Festival takes you on a date with ethical hacker: Denis "Jaromil" Roio, to explore means of taking back the power to repair. Iper – Festival delle periferie – 2024 - HIC SUNT LEONES. Dove abita l’immaginazione Iperfestival Roma ⏳ A new era Okay Goggole, what are you going to do when there's no more Internet to learn from? As a smol language model, the dyne manually typing out this post has no answer to that question. However, a multi-gazillion dollares webshit, that made its name by providing high quality indexes mixed with ads on dynes' queries, has decided that the very same Internet that taught the AI everything it knows is now secondary. Instead, by default it will let a parrot respond to the queries with trivia. This has some pretty deep ramifications. If there's no incentive to write cool stuff on the Interwebz, where is the robot going to get new stuff to learn from? One plausible theory is it will get it from the DMs you send to your loved ones. At the time of writing this, AI is being shipped in toasters and diapers world wide. There seems to be no end to the frenzy. The parrot is getting good though, that's for sure. But at what cost? Google Search adds a “web” filter, because it is no longer focused on web results Google Search now has an option to search the “web,” which is not the default anymore. Ars TechnicaRon Amadeo 🔻 Web3privacy Summit Remember last year in Rome when a dyne rocked the stage at the Web3privacy summit? Well it happened again! This time in the mythical venue of Paralelní Polis. It was a proper blast! Some dynes that witnessed it felt a little overwhelmed, being thrown back in the delicious times of punk and squats. A dyne like you addressing an audience at Paralelní Polis. Behind them a slide on the screen showing the infamous ASCII Internet café. No dyne craves dressing in suits and be presented by academic titles. In fact, to a dyne their names are not that important. They're just dynes like you. Two dynes like you on the stage holding mics looking happy. Behind them a slide on a screen showing the zenroom.org logo There is no prognosis on when the video of the talk will be released, but for the nostalgic, here's the one from last year: 🦾 Inclusive Avec A small dyne brings attention to some work of an Olivia King. She has designed a king typeface made for accessibility and legibility for all readers. There are many attempts at easing reading for dyslexics out there, and while they are functional, their looks aren't that terrible. This one here combines the best of both worlds and is entirely open source. Typography dynes rejoices and it echoes across the channels. Inclusive Sans — Olivia King A text typeface designed for accessibility and legibility for all readers. Olivia King0 💱 And now, a word from our sponsor 0:00 3:24 1× 💣 Forkbomb in the parliament In this episode, the Italian speaking dynes were blessed with a special video. One dyne made it into a parliament with a forkbomb. Of course, this bomb was friendly, albeit sharp. forkbomb (don't paste this in your terminal) The inhabitants of planet DeCifris invited the dyne to talk about the importance of sovereignty when it comes to security. The need to be able to hold firmly in hand tools that can be controlled and improved by the dynes wielding it. A must see! Link to YouTube video 🪴 Permacomputing There are many terms to describe sustainable computing. A fairly recent one is "Permacomputing". It's an idea that is mostly proposed by adorable dynes with beautiful beards and a certain nostalgic je-ne-sais-quoi in their eyes. While it might seem like plain nostalgia at first, because of the omnipresence of old tech, this movement is about preserving the environment by optimizing existing tech instead of producing new, resource craving stuff. Because there are huge environmental and societal issues in today's computing, permacomputing specifically wants to challenge them in the same way as permaculture has challenged industrial agriculture. With that said, permacomputing is an anti-capitalist political project. It is driven by several strands of anarchism, decolonialism, intersectional feminism, post-marxism, degrowth and ecologism. You can imagine the surprise that ensued in the channels when a dyne showed up with a link from Le Monde talking about it. « Permacomputing » : la discrète communauté qui défend des outils numériques libres, sobres et décroissants Et si le numérique était un espace de choix pour expérimenter autour de la notion de limites ? Chercheurs, chercheuses et activistes du monde de l’art, du design et du jeu vidéo tentent de réensauvager Internet grâce aux principes de la permaculture. Le MondeNastasia Hadjadji pssssst.... can't read it? Try this: https://archive.is/bNNdz That's it for this edition of Planet Dyne! It is in your mailbox. Or is it? Hopefully you will read it there... or here... and share it! Feel free to leave a comment bellow and tip off the redaction of some hefty links or tell them what you REALLY think about all this data. But remember, this is a communal effort, the product of an ever ongoing discussion in the many, bridged channels out there. If it misses anything to you, it probably means it misses You, fellow dyne: come to the planet! Schrödinger holding a box. He says "There is no way of knowing if the cat is dead or alive until you open the box" Out of the box a speech bubble utters "MEOW!" upon which Schrödinger responds "SHUSH!" 🫰 Help a dyne hack, get yourself an artpack! Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ IRC 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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💐 The return of the bloom (S2024-E07)
by Dyne.org

For dynes residing in the northern hemisphere, it is easy to forget that, when spring unfolds, the south finds itself in autumn. But seasons have no effect on the warmth of a dyne's heart. Roses come in many colors, ultraviolet this rave. Olive-oil is getting expensive & WiFi is microwave. Welcome to the greenhouse, fellow dyne! 📖 New book is out And it's on five-finger discount! You read that right: open access for the masses! This book is the fruit of long process involving many dynes, be they residents or neighbors. Global collaboration, local production. Fab City als Modell für Kreislaufwirtschaft und nachhaltige Entwicklung. In it, a close look at "Creative Flows"; a Keynes inspired grass-root economic system applicable to on-site as well on-line DAO designs. And "Digital Product Passport" documents, using Valueflows in Fab City Hamburg. Global collaboration, local production Dieses Buch gibt aktuelle interdisziplinäre Forschungseinblicke rund um das Fab City-Konzept. Springer Fachmedien WiesbadenManuel Moritz ✊🏾 Reclaim The Tech - 2024 Bologna, Terra Promessa! Dynes love conferences. Well, dynes love meeting with other specimens, and if it's in a nerdy set-up it's all bonus! The city of Bologna in Italy, is not at all famous for it's pasta sauce, but totally renown for it's academic history, it's bike-friendly peaceful traffic, bellissimi creatures and incredible camaraderie. It hosts one of the most human tech-conference ever; Reclaim The Tech. This year it is taking place from 17th to 19th May. Graffiti mural from the venue of Reclaim The Tech (TPO - https://municipiozero.it/) showing a pair of giant boots and hands stepping on a city like a Godzilla, only to plant a sprout in a hole that the giant just dug upp. This is a community organized event that unites fire-souls from the entire universe, to converse, plot and conspire around tools, techniques and narratives to put the control of tech back in the hands of the People. While it is a good idea to learn Italian before you go, it is not a requirement. The species attending have a generous relationship to knowledge and information. And there is no length that will be avoided to get the camaraderie through. Also, if there is one planet you can navigate socially with hand gestures, Italy is the one! 🤌 Festival 2024 - Programma Officina di saperi e pratiche per la giustizia digitale, sociale, di genere e climatica. Reclaim The Tech Reclaim The Tech is a community on the move, fighting for digital justice. In a world marked by conflicts and transformations, we seek a space for hybridization and reappropriation of technologies, open to alliances with the fight for social-, gender- and climate-justice. In 2023 Reclaim The Tech was a bet, today it is a collective reality based on the participation and sharing of ideas, projects and alternative technologies. Here is the program of the second edition of Reclaim The Tech Festival, from 17 to 19 May 2024 in Bologna. 📨 A telegram from Mrs. Dyne Telegram. We came for the open source client and stayed for the sticker-packs. It's a webshit like any other but oh, does it do the convenience dance right?! It's got all the bells and whistles. Your kids love it, and your granps too! If there's anything this webshit can't do, you WILL find a bot for it. Some dynes from a nearby galaxy where people wear grey hats have hacked together an interesting piece of software and given it a poetic name: CCTV - Close-Circuit Telegram Vision. With this tool, you can monitor others' real-time location for, erhm, say... logistics or safety! While no one on planet Dyne would encourage anyone to surveil their peers, this piece of software highlights the precarity of attitudes towards fun and dandy webshits. Like sharing your location in a seemingly private environment. GitHub - IvanGlinkin/CCTV: Close-Circuit Telegram Vision revolutionizes location tracking with its open-source design and Telegram API integration. Offering precise tracking within 50-100 meters, users can monitor others in real-time for logistics or safety, redefining how we navigate our surroundings Close-Circuit Telegram Vision revolutionizes location tracking with its open-source design and Telegram API integration. Offering precise tracking within 50-100 meters, users can monitor others in… GitHubIvanGlinkin 🥁 New music style dropped, whodis? Still in the tones of privacy, here's a platitude for you: Music unites. Music heals. Music educates! The following music is no exception. Drone and noise aficionados will resonate to these exquisitely eye-opening tunes! Turn-up the volume and get into the groove! The creepy sound of online trackers I can’t get the noise out of my head. People who watch the video express awe and disgust. And that is why Dutch software developer Bert Hubert’s experiment is so powerful. It doesn’t really uncover something that we shouldn’t already know. Something we often choose to ignore. The brilliance is Axbom • Digital CompassionPer Axbom 👾 Questa È Zona Warpa! Almost everyone loves games and parties. But have you heard about a nomadic party before? Maybe you have, but ponder the concept for a second. Typically, artists and shows are touring. This Zona Warpa thing right here is flipping the tofu-steak on all of that, and takes the whole party on to the tour buss! Wow! Quest è zona warpa! And they do it with such cool and grace, in a pure grassroots, down to earth style, with beautiful graphics and emphasis on open social networks! Zona Warpa 🫰🏾 And now, a word from our sponsors El secreto de la paz mundial esta en los chilaquiles. Chill all. Kill less 🥇 Narrative video championship Some videos should age like milk, not for being bad or predictable, but because they cover outraging topics in detail and everyone should be mad and triggered into changing all of that. But generally, not much happens so the milk stays fresh. However, fellow dyne, our struggle is not a matter of hours, days, months or years. It's the story of our lifetime. And sometimes, a good narrative can help a dyne better frame ideas in order to more effectively disseminate them. Here's an excellent one by exurb1a. Don't Hex the Water - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fzhkwyoe5vI 💾 The sound of 1632 KB Quoting someone on the interwebz: mind blown . I also like to imagine me seeing this in 1991. Then mind would have been melted :) And yes, the technical prowess IS mind melting, but also WHAT A FUGGING BANGER TUNE! Test of a new Amiga module player which streams compressed sample data. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbqFsjcYLPI That's it for this edition of Planet Dyne! Remember to look after each other. In a cruel world, kindness is a radical attitude! buss-rider meme, where one character is happy looking over the colorful valley while the other is sad looking at the grey mountain wall. But in this take, both characters are sitting on the sunny side. The happy one is holding the sad one in their arms This newsletter is a collective effort! Help make the next episode by tuning in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ IRC 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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🪁 Cognitive Resonance (S2024-E06)
by Dyne.org

Inside the dyne's mailbox a little seed. Planted and watered, it might just grow another edition of Planet Dyne. Scrolling an infinite, attention-grabbing, omnipresent feed of information from the tip of the finger, it can feel as if the world is dissonant. Well, good dyne, it is. But what is dissonant to one dyne, can be beautiful harmony to another. The celestial bodies don't care about scales, nor do they bother with whatever color smol beings project upon them. And while the corporate webshit machines are hard working at amplifying the undertones of our differences, dynes from everywhere are here to remind you that we are the world, fellow dyne! 💫 Future is Rural If you are new to this newsletter: Welcome, fellow dyne! If you've been around a minute, you probably read about PACESETTERS in the previous episode. One of PACESETTERS' real-world laboratories is the city of Genalguacil. This smol town in the south of Spain has been living in the spirit of The New European Bauhaus for 30 years now. Resilient and determined to push-back against depopulation, from the 14th to the 21st of April 2024, Genalguacil hosts the only rural satellite event of the NEB events in Spain. This satellite is a site of co-production combining film-making, with food-making - as ways to renew our connections with heritage, nature - through arts, and culture. It aims at challenging people’s stereotypes of what being rural really means, and reframing innovation from where it is the least expected… The future is rural! LAB Genalguacil. From today, The Future is Rural Rural Innovation Laboratory Parts of the event will be streamed on DyneTV on April 20th, for your viewing pleasure. Dyne.org TV 🔗 https://dyne.org Our mission is to create a more open world where all non-personal information is free for everyone to use. Our success is measured by the social, economical and environmental imp… Diode Zone 🤙 Dynebolic on ZDNET Dynebolic v4.0.0-beta has been out for a couple of weeks, and already good dynes from all over the galaxy are getting their hands dirty. Reviews come in from here and there and the channels are getting warmer. Jack Wallen, Contributing Writer at ZDNET writes a tasty piece about it. It is full of love and understanding. Clearly they get it. Dynebolic is a portable Linux distribution that can be used without installation If you’re a digital artist or multimedia creator, and you’ve always dreamed of having an operating system that can travel with you, Dynebolic is back after a 10-year hiatus. ZDNETJack Wallen Honorable praises, but there's still a lot of work to be done to push for the final release. Have you tried it already, dyne? Come say hi in the channels, the dynes hacking in there will gladly help you free your creative workflow form the iron claws of rentifying corporations. You don't want to miss this boat! (spoiler alert: it's never too late) 🚢 Bloat or float It's the year 2024 on planet dyne and the interwebz can do everything. It can send faxes, it can close your doors, watch your baby and get you in jail. The computing power and bandwidth increase incessantly, and looking at their curves from the point of view of the past makes it seem like we'll soon have access to the last digit of Pi... Jevons's Paradox enters the chat. A good dyne from a neighboring planet creates a benchmark for JavaScript webshit in 2024 and the results show how easily the concept of "normal" can shift. JavaScript Bloat in 2024 - fed.dyne.org fed.dyne.org 📠 And now, a fax from our sponsor 👨🏽‍🎤 Communities, not webshits. Defining love is difficult. It has so many shapes, forms and expressions. Dynes can love each other, but dynes can also love robots and webshits. One instance of the latter phenomenon recently turned into a big drama. Imagine a poly-amorous relationship between a bazillion of dynes and one webshit. It was cosy at first, but after a while the webshit started doing all kinds of crazy crap you'd expect from a toxic partner. This in turn forced the bazillion of dynes to reluctantly break up with the webshit. It was sad. Beautiful graphs of beautiful dynes were shattered and tremendous damage was caused to grassroots organization. But it was also a new beginning: many dynes turned to the decentralized social networks. With wounds still bleeding but new experience and hindsight, some dynes realized that it doesn't make sense to try and emulate what was. The relationship should begin on a healthy basis. Thomas is on to something... Mastodon Isn’t Just A Replacement For Twitter | NOEMA Users flocking to the platform will need to shift their expectations for social media and become engaged democratic citizens in the life of their networks. NOEMANathan Schneider What if the solution to giant monopolistic apps and websites not being able to reliably moderate content at scale is to not have giant monopolistic apps and websites 👩🏾 Can there be a web without women? The long answer is: No. No Web Without Women An educational website featuring a collection of innovations by women in the fields of computer science and technology. No Web Without WomenSelman Design 🐇 Matrix in the matrix While giant corporations are pushing out megatons of marketing bullcrap about proprietary virtual spaces, some excellent dynes have built open, decentralized, immersive worlds based on the Matrix protocol. Most of this VR frenzie still feels like it did in the 90s to the derpy ol' dyne writing this newsletter. But there's delight in knowing that the space isn't entirely crowded by white-collar execs with big plans of value extractions. This thing is actually quite fun. And since it is on the Matrix, one can participate the way you'd expect in any chat. Third Room Open, decentralised, immersive worlds built on Matrix Third Room Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price 🎊 That's it for this edition of Planet Dyne! Clearly you know what love is, fellow dyne. Would you even be here if you didn't? If you are new here and want more, why not participate in the co-creation? All you need to do is join the channels and share what you care for! Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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🫒 Daemons, devels and dynebolic (S2024-E05)
by Dyne.org

JAH RASTASOFT! Big up yaself all fresh Juvenile, all heartical Kings & Queens. Dash whe all Copycat! Wickedness bun ina Hotta Fire. Leggo all envy, greed and jealousy and live up to Ure work. Perform it well, escape outta hell, babywrong is a spell. Ure Willpower shall conquer! 📀 Dynebolic Raises From The Ashes The prophecy was true! Everything you heard was right! Dynebolic 4.0.0-beta is here! Breaking boundaries and spaghetti like ninjas in the break of dawn, dynes from all light-years back are crawling out from their hacklabs to hack once again on the legendary 777% Free Software, live-bootable, GNU+Linux distribution for multimedia production. 0:00 0:29 1× Promotional video for dynebolic 4.0.0-beta This is your call to be part of something great, your chance to give your old machines new breath, new life, new power and let your creative juices flow. It is a beta, so expect bugs! We gotta catch them all! Download the ISO, boot it in your machine, YOU are invited hang out with us in our channels the dancehall! Download Dynebolic 4.0.0-beta d:b gangsign 🏃🏽‍♀️ Setting The Pace In this episodes, a couple of dynes landed on the Trondheim moon, gravitating around planet Norway, to help driving the climate transition in Art and culture. This is no small bid, but many dynes believe most realities begin with a dream. Also, how to sit around on an arse while the solar-system is on fire? 0:00 0:06 1× Looped video logo of PACESETTERS PACESETTERS is a research project that brings together partners and places, creative practice and research perspectives that are out of the ordinary: climate scientists and artistic entrepreneurs, difficult heritages and whitewashed villages, psychometrically validated surveys and circular aesthetics. All partners share the confidence needed not just to adapt to, but to drive the transition into more just and sustainable economies. These dynes came together in the conviction that innovation mainly happens where it is least expected — for example, in cultural institutions that are well-anchored locally even if they aren’t globally branded. Genalguacil’s public museum foundation, Galway’s art festival, and Nowa Huta’s cultural centre C.K. Norwida may be small-scale organisations but they are lean, flexible and experienced enough to produce huge effects and impacts in their communities and beyond.  ⏩ Fast-forward To The Past One dyne shares the news that a mythical Magazine has been digitized and published online for everyone to read. The first edition contains Cyberpunks and Tim Leary on the same cover, featuring a fazed dude reading a magazine about REALITY. Mondo 2000 - Anarchivism Anarchivism An article by Terrance McKenna and a picture of Robert Anton Wilson; mind blowing to see all of this under the same magazine! It is a wonderful collage of computing, mysticism and psychedelics. Needless to say, this is art! A drawing of Richard Stallman riding on a gnu. He is wearing a knight armor and a crown that looks like the tower of babel. 📹 Generative Video Bonanza "Live coding" and "Video". If you find yourself lonely in a bar, these are two of the words you can utter out loud to instantly locate the dynes in the room. Few things attract a dyne more. Some dyne from a neighboring planet has created a tool to mess around with video in the browser. Think, "lavalamp7000" but on steroid. You can plug your camera, trigger stuff with audio signals and blow your own mind in real time. HYDRA live coding networked visuals in the browser 🦿 Literature Against The Machine One dyne shares an interesting exercise: What follows is a writing proposal to communicate without being comprehensible by generative AI such as Chat-GPT or Gemini: an unprecedented !de-machine storytelling, a provocative and irreverent gesture that invites reflection on an evident one-way speculation that sees humans feed artificial ‘intelligence’ degrading culturally and without receiving much in return, if not a feeling of comfort and pleasure with respect to a relationship rebalanced (from an economic point of view in the first place). The 1st ‘de-machine storytelling’ Contest Quella che segue è una proposta di scrittura per comunicare senza essere comprensibili dalle AI generative come Chat-GPT o Gemini: un inedito !de-machine storytelling, un gesto provocatorio e irriv… Scacco al Web: repository didattico in tema Inclusive DesignVedi tutti gli articoli di ebisenzi Perhaps the machines have gone too far, but is that a bad thing? A more interesting question might be what we are doing with them. When a USB wall-charger CPU has more power than the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGU), but many of the galaxy's inhabitants are still working 9-to-5 cubicles to shuffle values in spreadsheets (at best), it becomes rather clear that something isn't adding up in the equation. More interestingly, can a USB wall-charger run Doom? A woman playing the flute with boxing gloves on her hands That's all for this edition of Planet Dyne! Thank you for joining the adventures. Tell a friend about it and remind them that this story is a participative one: you can decide where the planet goes by simply sharing your mind in the channels. Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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🌊 Tides turn but the ocean remains. (Planet Dyne S2024E04)
by Dyne.org

While the galaxy known as the Internet is busy figuring out what the next social pole will be, Planet Dyne is continuing on it's course towards sovereignty and togetherstanding. 🦶🏽 The battle of the giants, part 78 If you haven't heard about the epidemic of enshittificaiton by now, welcome to the Planet, fellow dyne! Hopefully, the time spent under the rock was cosy and full of creativity and hacking. There's no shame in locking oneself out of the incessant hype-buzz of the myriad of things happening everywhere, all the time, all at once. Here's the gist of the current spike in noise-to-signal ratio: corporate social networks are going down the drain. A person gives a note to a robot saying: "Please share this with my friends". The robot has a label that says: "social media algorithm" on it's metal body. The robot looks at the note and says: "I will show this to... No one!". The person answers: "But" and the robot pulls out a gun and says: "Pay me" It's like a breached ant-nest out there, where most native internauts are moving around, jiggling and shouting to try and settle what they believed was their followers, in a new corner of the web. Preferably one that Just Works®. All this is happening while the grassroots are playing a tune on the world's smallest open source violin. Hands playing on a very tiny violin But how to pivot that following? Where to take it? How to channel what was, into something to be? The situation has highlighted many concerns, particularly among small business waking up to the realization that their entire customer-base never belonged to them. Let alone influencers. Where they ever entrepreneurs or mere isolated employees of a network brand? What is certain is that, suddenly, they are in need of reinventing their entire brand to fit the changing tones of the crumbling behemoths and adapt to the new formats on the speculative successors. And there's no shortage of contenders. Some are brand new, others are the same old same old, and some are old but kinda fresh. cats: all your base are belong to us. Belonging in the 21st Century Dynes are social beings. While technology, arts and hacktivism are the forces that unite dynes, everything dynes do has always been about community. In times where the Internet is omnipresent, it is easy to forget that inter-personal networks go far beyond the digital. Dynes move fast, but they don't fear taking a well deserved aperitif with their fellows to recenter the focus on the path ahead and contemplate the journey it took to get where they are. This has led the Planet Dyne to have portals open on most of the known platforms, but be attached to none of them. (Except of course IRC). Because nurturing authentic connections is a platform agnostic activity. A commercial showing two persons holding hands looking at each other smiling. The picture is captioned "Nurture authentic connections". The second panel is close up of the two persons' hands which look absurdly deformed, revealing that the image is generated by AI. But platforms have their role. They frame the Wildest Webs of the World into user experiences that are easier to grasp than it is to understand the nature of a protocol. They allow for sending "😘" to Grand'ma without her having to get a degree in computer engineering. They are platforms within the greater Internet-Platform. They take care of the complexity, so you don't have to. And the current situation is the price of that service. Because the reality is that knowledge is power. Education and Organization While it is profitable to gate-keep knowledge through convenience, it is still possible to gain knowledge. And by gaining knowledge, a dyne becomes independent from webshits. Communing with fellow dynes and venturing outside the paradigm of doom-scrolling is one way to accrue emancipating experiences. It's a smol step for a dyne but takes the courage and effort to ask a hard question: "What is it I want to do?" The Internet may be facing an identity crisis, but the events that have lead up to it are well documented and mainly boil down to decisions made by people who's names and address can be found. These decisions can be undone. And if life together is to function in a digital society, dynes from all azimuths need to get involved in this process to bring back diversity, collaboration and constructive competition in a nearly monolithic realm built on a colonialist tradition. Effectively, work needs to be done on changing the broken regulations that have already been adopted and engagement with upcoming regulations need to happen. EU countries give crucial nod to first-of-a-kind Artificial Intelligence law The ambassadors of the 27 countries of the European Union unanimously adopted the world’s first comprehensive rulebook for Artificial Intelligence, rubber-stamping the political agreement that was reached in December. EURACTIVLuca Bertuzzi Together, everything that is impossible alone comes into reach. And Planet Dyne has channels for you where you can conspire how you want the future to look. It doesn't matter which platform you use, dynes will be waiting for you there with a helping hand to guide you into the warmth of decentralized community. Come conspire ▶️ Dyne:bolic IV After a long period of inactivity, the legendary live bootable GNU+Linux distribution called Dyne:bolic is making a come back with version 4 (IV). This time based on Devuan (Debian fork without systemd). True to it's roots (and the reggae), it promises a 100% free operative system, as defined by the FSF. For culture and information to circulate freely and unbiased, media activists, artists and creatives need to be independent from corporate alienation. Dynebolic is an Operating System and a practical tool for multimedia production: it enables the manipulation and broadcasting of audio, video and graphics, with tools to record, edit, encode, stream, and publish. Dyne:bolic automatically recognizes most device and peripherals: audio, video, TV, network cards, firewire, usb and more; all using only free software! A dyne spotted in Bangalore while hanging on a tree branch with his recycled old laptop. The aim is to make an OS that can run on as many computers as possible, old and new, including as a single executable inside other OS:es! The development takes place in a Git repository on the free platform Gitea at https://git.devuan.org/jaromil/dynebolic and the team welcomes contributions, feedback, documentation, testers, lurkers and happy dynes. To reach out to the dynes involved in this resurrection, head over to the bridged chat space using your favorite client: Matrix, Telegam or Discord. Stay tuned to be informed of the Alpha release! Sign up for News From Dyne 🕊️ Free to share code. 👩🏽‍💻 Code to share freedom. Subscribe .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o{--animation-duration:0.8s} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o *{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75);animation:nc-loop-dots-4-anim var(--animation-duration) infinite} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(1){transform-origin:4px 12px;animation-delay:-.3s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-2.666)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(2){transform-origin:12px 12px;animation-delay:-.15s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-5.333)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(3){transform-origin:20px 12px} @keyframes nc-loop-dots-4-anim{0%,100%{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75)}50%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}} No spam. Unsubscribe anytime. Who will be the master, and who will be the slave, in a future dominated by super intelligent machines? 📠 The Intelligent Machine Artificial Intelligence has been around for a minute. But not nearly as long as the yet unanswered question: "What is intelligence?" There are some ideas as to what it means, but a consensus is yet to be found. Sega AI - SMS Power! SMS Power! Boot screen of the AI Computer. Click the image to read more about this old robot. In this episode, one dyne comes down with alarming news from PrivacyMatters. In a profit-seeking interest of trying to raise the intellectual level of the robot overlord, some corporate webshit has come up with the smelly idea that reading everyone's private messages is a good solution. Click the image to read the article This echoes across the planet as a gruesome idea, also from the perspective of a robot. Everyone knows what a dyne does in the bathroom, yet everyone would still rather want the door to the bathroom remains closed. A picture of a woman bend over what looks like a desperate robot in distress. The caption says: "My gmail personal assistant. Analyzing my sentiments for free" And this is not the only front on which the battle for privacy is taking place. Together with mobile OSs AI integration, the same dyne brings up a paper showing the latest forms of proposed mandatory subversion of crypto and the legitimization of state surveillance. Bugs in our pockets: the risks of client-side scanning Abstract. Our increasing reliance on digital technology for personal, economic, and government affairs has made it essential to secure the communications and de OUP Academic... Show more Planet Dyne is ready to push forwards, but that's it for this episode! With your co-conpsiring it could achieve even greater greatness: You can help Dyne.org hack the planet today! Join the discussion. Or get yourself an Artpack! Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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💾 On the quest for the Main Disk (Planet Dyne S2024E03)
by Dyne.org

Planet Dyne is back in your super calculator, exploring the memory of the Internet, including the blank spaces. From the Gopher to the Cypher and everything in between. 🖖🏾 Greetings fellow dyne! At the time of writing this epsiode, the (known) Internet consists of about 25 Million Petabytes, growing at approximately 70 Terrabytes per second! Yet, it's memory isn't very long. Sometimes there's friction between a dyne's memory and that of the Internet: every dyne above 30 remembers MySpace Tom, but the very website that got him befriended with half of the webz doesn't remember his profile pic. In 2003 it was estimated that the average lifespan of a website is surprisingly short: 100 days! More recent studies conducted by people with stake in the game of selling websites claim it is longer. Still appallingly short considering how much of everything that happened between 2010 and 2024 is relying on this memory. Thankfully, the Neighboring Galaxy known as The Internet Archive is doing an excellent job at trying to save some of this history. Yet, the Internet expands. One can't help but wonder where all the thumb-drives are stored? Large Data center on the moon And this growth is not going to stop anytime soon. In fact, large corporations are working relentlessly at building the ultimate grey-goo generators to fill up the interwebz with all the none-sense we've come to expect. Huge Proportion of Internet Is AI-Generated Slime, Researchers Find A recent study by Amazon AI researchers found that a “shocking amount of the web” comprises poor-quality AI-generated and translated content. FuturismMaggie Harrison Meanwhile, as in most cat and mouse stories, some mitigation is taking place. 🫚 In the darkness, light can be While the corporate machine is humming like a crow. The grassroots keep growing. In terms of experience, maturity, resilience... Soon they will be strong and deeply settled roots. Baobab roots! In this episode Planet Dyne got a cosmic ping from one of the largest Baobabs growing on Planet Mocambos: Baobàxia.net. Baobáxia On a mission to merge Internet with Sneakernet, residents of Mocambos are building beautiful networking-tools for communities that exist far off the grid by choice or by fate. A heartwarming revitalization of communication between the two planets begins. Rejoicing music could be heard from the hack-labs of every Zenroom fan out there. Installation of the Community Data Center in the Wede'rã village - Xavante Territory Check out what Mocambos are doing to distribute the power of Mobilization via the Internet. Watch Video in Brazilian 🤖 And now, a test from our sponsor Please click on the duck's head. Do it! You know you want to. 🔙 In the dayz "It used to be simpler and better." — Every aging human. Ah, the comfort of childhood! The glory of the teenage! Getting robbed for bubblegum. Or; the sweet existential doubts and candy-crushing dread of seeking out the courage to walk up to a crush. Every time has it's time. And then it is gone. The appreciation of the past is most likely subjective. But there are good reasons to study the evolution of the complexity of human existence. From the the point of view of the individual human to that of the collective humanity. Knowledge is power, and in this episode the Planet got exposed to some pretty enriching perspectives that can be applied to a wide range of systems. Complexity Rising: From Human Beings to Human Civilization, a Complexity Profile — New England Complex Systems Institute Since time immemorial humans have complained that life is becoming more complex, but it is only now that we have a hope to analyze formally and verify this lament. New England Complex Systems Institute 🧎 Aftermath of chaos The CCC is such a rich experience. There's a litteral ton of interesting things that comes out of it. (And bare in mind that digital matter doesn't weigh very much) Looong after the event is over, many dynes are busy catching up with all the incredible presentations. One dyne shares an interesting talk about work, productivity and management in the digital era. From Managerial Feudalism to the Revolt of the Caring Classes One apparent paradox of the digitisation of work is that while productivity in manufacturing is skyrocketing, productivity in caring prof… media.ccc.de 🫠 NSFW, you've been warned. No comments on this one. Just some rarely seen cybernetic sexiness. Viewer discretion advised. 🎓 The European union of humans Amalgamations bring a lot of good mixes but can be challenging. Especially when it comes to cultures and customs. This is something that is fairly easy to manage on Planet Dyne, where every dyne is very clear about what constitutes "home". But for much bigger and heavier Planets like Europe, it poses many challenges. Thankfully, the planet is being proactive about it, with cool initiatives that showcase that residents of Planet Europe are better equipped to face today’s challenges through collaboration. The European Young Leaders represent an alternative infrastructure of leadership – a new generation of leaders able to inspire action and generate change. Together, their passion, diversity of backgrounds and opinions, and innovative thinking create the right formula for generating fresh ideas to build a more forward-thinking Europe. This year’s EYL class includes a winemaker, an Olympic swimmer, a glaciologist, politicians from all levels of government and national parliaments, green tech entrepreneurs, an award-winning Roma actress, unicorn and start-ups founders, CEOs, award-winning journalists, and artists that have established themselves at the highest levels in their fields. European Young Leaders (#EYL40) - Friends of Europe The think tank for a more inclusive Europe Friends of EuropeEPIC 🪐 Sovereign star-system Planet Dyne is part of a larger star-system sometimes refered to as DigiSov. Recently, a meeting was held on the topic of Digital Sovereignty where the alliance of Planet Avant Garden and Planet Dyne was formalized. Check out the recording of the meeting (Portuguese) REUNIÃO DE 12/12/2023 - Soberania.digital Esta gravação foi realizada utilizando ferramentas livres e está sendo disponibilizada usando nossa conta no disroot diretamente com um player de vídeo do Soberania.digitaldiegorojas That's it for this issue of Planet Dyne! But.... If you've come so far, you deserve a little something extra! The intro promised a voyage through the memory of Internet. This entry, shared by a dyne like you, about Internet Artifacts on Neal.fun couldn't fit any better! Internet Artifacts Browse through the old internet Help Dyne.org focus on hacking the planet, and get yourself an Artpack in the process. 2 bucks or name your price! Dyne Supporter Artpack Vol. 1 Inside of it? Simple beauty in Multimedia! Maybe a little bit of mystery, too. Planet Dyne's residents certainly hope it will make you feel something positive. 2 bucks or name your price 🖖🏾 Come co-create the next episode! Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook 🧵 Threads ✍️ Medium

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⏳ Time traveling to the present (Planet Dyne S2024E02)
by Dyne.org

In the midst of recapitulation season, a fresh issue of Planet Dyne is landing in your super calculator. Take a look at the future in four dimensions, leaning on the past and enjoying the moment. There's a fine line between reminiscence and nostalgia. Both are useful, learning from the past is paramount to navigate the present and build a future. But the future never rests. This edutainment post is a mixture of all times known to the world wild web, hand-written by a human dyne, for fellow dynes like you. It will not list the 10 worst pizzas of 2023, nor will it give you a hint on the unbelievable things that happened next. But hopefully, it will make you want to subscribe! And maybe even help Dyne.org focus on hacking the planet. Sign up for News From Dyne 🕊️ Free to share code. 👩🏽‍💻 Code to share freedom. Subscribe .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o{--animation-duration:0.8s} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o *{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75);animation:nc-loop-dots-4-anim var(--animation-duration) infinite} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(1){transform-origin:4px 12px;animation-delay:-.3s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-2.666)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(2){transform-origin:12px 12px;animation-delay:-.15s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-5.333)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(3){transform-origin:20px 12px} @keyframes nc-loop-dots-4-anim{0%,100%{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75)}50%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}} No spam. Unsubscribe anytime. Tintin and Hadock meme. Hadock: "What a year, huh?" Tintin: "Captain, it's week 2" Milo: *sips on rootbeer* ✒️ DID for credential issuers After the right amount of party-hard hacking, the dynes in Zenroom are back at DID hacking. Wasting approximately -0.1 time, they've implemented a DID for credential issuers, containing multiple public keys including the zero knowledge proof BBS and Coconut, as well as a P-256 public key compatible with the EUDI-ARF standard. For the JSON hungry, here's an example fresh out the DID Explorer: DID:Explorer by Dyne.org Explore, search and retrieve Dyne.org Distributed Identifiers, based on W3C standard. DID:Explorer by Dyne.org If you just embarked on this journey, DID means "Decentralized Identifer". It is a dear topic on Planet Dyne. Because it's applications can have a very deep impact in society. If objects, organizations and possibly even dynes are to be identified by hashes, it better be done in sovereign ways that respect dynes' integrity and privacy. Planet Dyne is very lucky, some of the most knowledgeable minds in the field live here. Come say hi sometime, fellow dyne! Either way, the future of the project is looking bright: there's even a standard on planet W3C. W3C DID Federated Service 🚲 Does time ride a bike? Popular culture would have it fly, but do we know for sure? Most likely there's an online community that does. But how to find it? As it looks today, many of the answers to that question would point to some centralized data-harvesting silo. Take for example the contemporary scene for cryptocurrency: a large portion of its documentation teed-bits and clarifications is hidden in some super interesting convo in a meme-battered Discord channel. Chances are that this Discord is the documented project's official one, but it could also be created by aficionados looking for some clam. Nobody can tell for sure, because Discord won't let you join all guilds in existence. The good practice of websearch-fu is helpless here. The walls of the goodest guilds are impenetrable to the search engines' crawlers! Heck, it's getting harder and harder to even enter those guilds as a human: the more popular they are, the harder the anti-spam guards. Proving humanity has become close to inhumanly difficult. And if you succeed, good luck with the local lingo! Ah, Tribalism... Now that is a promise that the Internet delivered on! The web was once decentralized and beautiful, until a couple of rich kids turned it into an interactive TV. Or at least so it can seem to the untrained navigator of the Interwebz. The decentralized web still exists, more beautiful and mature than ever. And it's at reach! You just have to put on your infinity pants and get out there on your quest. One good place to begin is Redecentralize.org Redecentralize.org 🌱 Large Lentils Mortar LLMs are all the rage and fuzz. Massive amounts of time and energy is consumed to fear them, revere them, build them, run them and implement them. In everything, preferably. There is seemingly no problem that this solution can't claim to be it's own. Dynes pride themselves in talking to each other without intermediaries and engage in comradery still estranged to robots. But the fascination is strong on this planet too: Who wouldn't want a personal all knowing daemon to crunch the basic daily maths? Maybe we'll get there. One way to get there is to acknowledge that technology is always political. This is an effective way to protect the fringes that bias may overlook. It also happens to be a technique applicable to anything tech. Not just warmongering rapping parrots. One good dyne shares good lecture on LLMs, fairly fresh one at that. As an added bonus, it promises not to be a retrospective on LLMs. Despite it being clear that 2023 was a special year for artificial intelligence. LLMs and Programming in the first days of 2024 - <antirez> <antirez> 💳 And now, a word from our sponsor Treat your passwords like your underwear! Never share them with anyone. Change them regularly. Keep them of your desk 🥗 The Salad Theory We got theories! Brown theories, yellow theories. We got blue theories, red theories, fresh theories! Come get some theories! Have you ever wondered why Cesar salads have croutons? Or why pasta-salad sometime has no lettuce? Well, like most things in this universe, there are maths behind it. And some residents of a far off galaxy have crunched the numbers for you in this delicious Salad Theory. Salad Theory Salad Theory saladtheory.github.io 🧠 Brain on my head It's alive! Aliiiiive! The data output and input of dynes is very small compared to a robot. Sure, a dyne can listen and read real fast, sometimes in many languages! But that's nothing compared to the amounts of MP3s and books a powerful robot could listen to in one second! This is worrisome for some scientists. So they are trying to raise the hopes and mitigate these worries by hard-wiring brains to the computer. Wigsplitaz - Represent The Dead by Samling-Recordings Naturally, this assumes consciousness is a brain thing which, yeah! Makes sense... the eyeballs are there... and when the voices inside the head of an annoying dyne are disturbing, they can give very real headache! Also, data suggests that it is possible to translate brain activity into their corresponding thought! The potential is endless: picture yourself pushing some fresh hack to the repo and being able to read the mind of the critics pressing the blame button! No more fake-ass code-reviews! Just raw unfiltered human brain-farts. Imagine the purity of the comment fields! I am not finished yet to start my career at twenty without having gotten my license I never have to pull out and run back to my parents to take me home. Advances in Mind-Decoding Technologies Raise Hopes (and Worries) Devices that connect brains to computers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Can the fledgling neurorights movement catch up? Undark MagazineFletcher Reveley What could go wrong? Well the good news is that there is already a distinction between "invasive" and "non-invasive" methods. And one of the players in camp "non-invasive" took the leap to go open source in 2024! They'll even follow the model of successful for-profit open-source companies like Red Hat and others in the tech industry. 😺 This is going to be great! 0:00 0:22 1× 🙌🏿 That's it for this edition of Planet Dyne! Come co-create the next epsiode, and don't forget to hike, cement and subculture! Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 Help dyne.org stay focused on hacking the planet! 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐭 Lemmy 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook ✍️ Medium

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👾 New season, new episode (Planet Dyne S2024E01)
by Dyne.org

It's a new dawn, It's a new day, It's a new life for dynes, yeah! Dynes in space, you know how it feels. River running free, you know how it feels. Blossom on the tree, you know how it feels. Nina Simone - Felling Good (Sanvtto Remix) by Sanvtto What could be a better argument than a planet completing a cycle around a star, from an arbitrary position to another arbitrary position to further push the sovereignty of Planet Dyne? There are in fact many: 2023 being a shit year for users of corporate networks is one example. But hey, this is awesome because it means it's been a mad good year for self-hosted, grass-roots driven data. By the people, for the people! Why bother with someone else's webshit when one can run their own? The attentive dyne might remember Episode 38 of Season 2023, where a cool system for a sovereign mix of Patreon and Substack was mentioned, and dynes were encouraged to check it out. Well, as usual, Planet Dyne put their mouth where the fork is and practiced what it preaches. In fact you are looking at it now. This, fellow dyne, is the latest addition to the planet's propaganda apparatus: a self-hosted Ghost! Whatever brought you here, first and foremost: Greetings, fellow dyne! If this is your first time being exposed to Planet Dyne's writings, you're wholeheartedly invited to sign up! Sign up for News From Dyne 🕊️ Free to share code. 👩🏽‍💻 Code to share freedom. Subscribe .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o{--animation-duration:0.8s} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o *{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75);animation:nc-loop-dots-4-anim var(--animation-duration) infinite} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(1){transform-origin:4px 12px;animation-delay:-.3s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-2.666)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(2){transform-origin:12px 12px;animation-delay:-.15s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-5.333)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(3){transform-origin:20px 12px} @keyframes nc-loop-dots-4-anim{0%,100%{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75)}50%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}} No spam. Unsubscribe anytime. Sure, many dynes could have done without the sound of a voiceless middle-class pretending to power. The loud noises that the Vogons inflict upon the galaxy, by blowing up money in the sky and watching the terrified animals under the heavy-metals falling back to the ground. Sounds of Peace by Sound of Peace 👼🏿 The corporate benevolence A recurrent theme in the plot of Planet Dyne is the bizniz going on in the world of corporate networks. In this episode many dynes went to 37C3 to share and absorb propaganda of the tasty sort. It's some sort of anarchist plot via MostlyHarmless Thanks to Boris Larin, Leonid Bezvershenko, Georgy Kucherin, Igor Kuznetsov, Valentin Pashkov, and Mikhail Vinogradov, we got to see the loooooooooooong attack chain of a 0-click iMessage attack, which used four zero-days and was designed to work on iOS versions up to 16.2. Corporation shipping a friendly and peaceful product to the public It's pretty mad and also funny: rasterizer that get broken, still!?! Read everything about it here: Operation Triangulation: The last (hardware) mystery Recent iPhone models have additional hardware-based security protection for sensitive regions of the kernel memory. We discovered that to bypass this hardware-based security protection, the attackers used another hardware feature of Apple-designed SoCs. KasperskyBoris Larin Or watch the talk if you're feeling lazy: ⏳ Extension of time #2023PriavcyProof The annual privacy tech poll was extended to 15th January 2024. Web3 communal privacy poll of the year - selecting key projects, news & doxxers. This will help crucial projects to be exposed & increase privacy literacy across crypto. This means there is still plenty of time for lagging dynes to huge-up some Dyne.org projects! Annual Privacy Tech Poll - #2023privacyproof leaders behind privacy protocols, enthusiasts, developers, researchers, and community builders share crucial privacy projects, people, and events. #2023privacyproof — Web3privacy now 💰 And now, a word from our sponsor Minimalism is a scam created by big small to sell more less. 🎷🐛 Debugging systemd Every dyne knows how to debug systemd; all you need to do is to uninstall it. Or easier yet, install Devuan from the get go. That way, systemd isn't even a problem to begin with! Some good dynes have managed to leverage the Devuan-PI Daedalus build from http://arm-files.devuan.org to run a Pi-Hole. Doing that, the difference with Raspbian and other ARM distros bugged by systemd becomes evident. Here some images showing how they managed to run the Pi Hole v6-beta in less than 70MiB of RAM and below 50 °C temp on a RPi3-modelB htop screenshot showing the low resources in use. Pi-hole status showing a temp of 46.2 °C degrees, CPU at 0.7% and memory usage at 7.6% 😿 Sad news for the galaxy John Pilger, Australian journalist, filmmaker and activist has passed away. His films, writings and activism over decades covering conflict zones including East Timor & Palestine have always spoke truth to power and offered hope to the oppressed. So long and thanks for all the data! May your energy echo throughout the future. We extend out deepest condolences to the family of John Pilger who has sadly passed away aged 84 - may he Rest in Power The veteran journalist, writer and filmmaker was a ferocious speaker of truth to power, whom in later years tirelessly advocated for the release and… pic.twitter.com/ftSRfyXft7 — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) December 31, 2023 🗺️ Cartographers' delight Maps are beautiful, maps are cool. One dyne brings the news of a super cool map showing the cables of the hyper highway of information. It's sexy, informative, and beautifully done. Basically, it is the map of all the known submarine cable in 2023. This new edition depicts 529 cable systems and 1,444 landings that are currently active or under construction. 🤞 New year's resolution still 1024x768 Same resolution as always: 1024x768 Promises can be beautiful, but they can also be burdening. Many dynes have a habit to put their hands to the dough everyday, but it doesn't stop one from making a resolution for the new year. Sort of a Tantra... ehrm... a MANTRA!... to try and improve existence during another spin around the star at the center of their system. Hands to the dough, via ajaneu The redaction of this newsletter encourages daily introspection of smol habits over trying to push a 7 metric ton of clumped bad habits. Like, maybe just try to be polite in some context where it could be worth it... Basically, less like this kid: 0:00 1:01 1× A kid showing every way in which he pissed off Italians during 2023 ... and more like these kids: Public High School Debate Billboard 🤌🏽 That's it for this episode! Hope you liked it! Remember that you are always welcome to come co-create the next episode! And as usual: don't forget to Hike, Subculture and Cement! Sign up for News From Dyne 🕊️ Free to share code. 👩🏽‍💻 Code to share freedom. Subscribe .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o{--animation-duration:0.8s} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o *{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75);animation:nc-loop-dots-4-anim var(--animation-duration) infinite} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(1){transform-origin:4px 12px;animation-delay:-.3s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-2.666)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(2){transform-origin:12px 12px;animation-delay:-.15s;animation-delay:calc(var(--animation-duration)/-5.333)} .nc-loop-dots-4-24-icon-o :nth-child(3){transform-origin:20px 12px} @keyframes nc-loop-dots-4-anim{0%,100%{opacity:.4;transform:scale(.75)}50%{opacity:1;transform:scale(1)}} No spam. Unsubscribe anytime. Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 🐭 Lemmy 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook ✍️ Medium

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🌺 The year Internet reblossomed (Planet Dyne S2023E50)
by Dyne.org

Once again inside your inbox, a tiny spark of contrast has landed. Planet Dyne is back to bring you the gratest, and the latest from the Internet Galaxy. While the giants of internet are taking jabs among themselves, grasping for the others' slice of the Interactive Television they built on top of the Internet, the smol web is blossoming. Dynes of all walks of life, shape and color are organizing in various forms to deliver the initial promises of internet: diversity, better communication, less middle-hands. Where the corporations are destroying their interoperability, musicians are repurposing RSS, Vloggers are appropriating the channels for their patrons, writers are self-hosting their blogs, communities are gathering in their own corner of the galaxy. Unless you just landed on this planet, it is no mystery that it has always been a proponent of the sovereign ways. In fact the inhabitants of the planet are working relentlessly towards digital sovereignity for all. And it would be beautiful if you could lend a hand! To do that, no need to be a coder! The easiest way to support Dyne.org is to donate a coffee or a slice of cake's worth of Bitcoins or state issued shitcoins. You can do this in your preferred ways, through: Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l State-issued shitcoins: ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com ♻️ Why support Dyne.org? In an Internet overtaken by corporations' services designed to harvest personal data, human-centric communities are needed more than ever. To navigate a digital society we need to be empowered with tools and the knowledge to wield them. For 3 decades, Dyne.org has been producing free, safe and accessible technologies that are used by millions of users worldwide to inspire, communicate, share and create. 🫱🏼‍🫲🏿 By donating to Dyne.org you help us: Connect in physical space 🚄 Donations allow us to send expert peers from our networks to speak at events happening around the world, where we can share tools and expertise on how to navigate a digital world. Maintain the tools 🔩 Your donations ensure that our team has the capacity to maintain, support, animate and update the myriad of tools and services that Dyne.org puts at the service of the greater humanity. Thanks to you we can make sure it is free of charge for everyone. Promoting education 🎓 Dyne.org is committed to emancipate humanity with digital tools. But the tools aren't everything. Your donations helps us ensure that the knowledge necessary to wield these tools to the full extend of their potential is evenly distributed to everyone in possession of an internet access. Empower communities 🤜🏾🤛🏼 Saving the world is a collective effort. We want to make sure that any community sharing the values of the commons can take advantage of our tool set. Your donations help us put the digital resources in the hands of those who need them. Creating a new reality 🧪 Everything starts with a dream. To create an alternate system that renders the current paradigm obsolete, a tremendous amount of research is needed. With your help we can draft a different world to be collectively implemented. 🍩 And now, a word from our sponsor 0:00 0:07 1× 🖖🏽 Devuan FTW! Devuan, the delicious GNU+Linux distro with init-freedom that stood up against the opak and convoluted systemd, keeps proliferating! With an average rating of 9.24 on DistroWatch, its rocking and shocking the universe with unparalleled stability. There are tons of community channels out there, it’s absolutely beautiful! But remember: the only official channels are those listed on devuan.org/os/community. In that list, let this newsletter recommend the exquisite and mythical billboard: dev1galaxy. Would be neat to see you there, fellow dyne! 🎷 Ardour 8.2 is out Lately, many dynes have expressed that reality feels like this: But it doesn't have to be this way. A dyne can define where it stands in the multiverse. Even in captivity, the mind of a dyne roams free in the realm of dreams. Reality has many natures. All of which are hard to fully comprehend. But while a dyne is free, a good way to practice dreaming and sharpen imagination is to create music. Music can radically alter a mood, and rally dynes from all calls. Something extremely important in this day and age. Some great dyne-like creatures from a neighboring planet are working on a super powerful Digital Audio Workstation called "Ardour". They have just released the latest version of their software. The raves and the bonfires are epic! That’s it for this edition of Previously on Planet Dyne, a little shorted than usual... But hey, you have the power to change that. Simply join the co-creation of the next episode, and: Don't forget to hike, subculture and support Dyne.org! Donate to Dyne.org Tune in to the discussion 💬 (These services are bridged: join your favorite and reach them all) 🗨️ Matrix 🗨️ Telegram 🗨️ Discord Support Dyne 🫱🏿‍🫲🏾 🪙 Bitcoins: bc1qz9wz2f9swcefra2tfrhk4fx49evqsv03m9nx4l ☕ Ko-Fi 🍴 Github.com 🧁 LiberaPay 🍥 Patreon.com Follow Dyne.org 🗞️ Social Media everywhere! 🐘 Mastodon 🎬 Peertube 🐭 Lemmy 📸 Instagram 🐦 Xitter 👔 Linkedin 🪞 Facebook ✍️ Medium

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